
五月被指定为亚洲文化传统月。 5月26日周日,康山联合教会TUC邀请NCFA尼亚加拉中心学院院长Jane Li表演蒙古舞蹈《天边》和中文歌曲《花好月圆》。
The month of May is designated as Asian Heritage Month. On May 26 Sunday, the Thornhill United Church TUC (25 Elgins St) invited Jane Li, the director of the Niagara Centre For Arts NCFA to perform a Mongolian dance (Horizon) and a Chinese Song (Blooming Flowers and Full Moon).

The dance traced the story of a young lady and young man in Mongolia who cherished their love in the midst of heavenly nature with the blessings of God.

Jane paid tribute to her mother who sang the Chinese song to her when she was a little girl in Shanghai, China. The song depicts the grace of God to enrich the love on earth where the flowers bloom during a brightly moon lit evening.

在亚洲传统周日活动结束后,并于康山联合教会TUC的联谊会堂举行招待会, TUC的成员和NCFA的朋友们为活动的参加者准备了许多美味佳肴。 招待会上还展出了NCFA的部分美术作品。
The Asian Heritage Sunday at TUC concluded with a reception at the fellowship hall. Members of TUC and friends of NCFA prepared many delicious treats for attendees of the event. Some art works of NCFA were also displayed at the reception.

NCFA尼亚加拉中心学院院长Jane Li表演蒙古舞蹈《天边》

The dance traced the story of a young lady and young man in Mongolia who cherished their love in the midst of heavenly nature with the blessings of God.

NCFA尼亚加拉中心学院院长Jane Li表演中文歌曲《花好月圆》

Jane paid tribute to her mother who sang the Chinese song to her when she was a little girl in Shanghai, China. The song depicts the grace of God to enrich the love on earth where the flowers bloom during a brightly moon lit evening.